November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-224

But at this moment, through the dim light in the car, I saw a strawberry-like hickey on my girlfriend's neck, charming and charming.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-223

I report a new job with a hundred thousand times enthusiasm during the day, and at night I go back to the house I rented with my girlfriend to take care of my girlfriend. That ignorant kid
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-222

My parents looked at me suspiciously, and I recalled that when we got close to my girlfriend for the last time, we thought we were about to get engaged and entered the marriage hall, so we didn't take contraceptive measures...
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-221

This is a good Prado off-road vehicle. I held the window and looked into the car. On the driver's platform, there was a bracket board with the owner’s contact information written on it.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-220

I didn't see anyone for half a month. I was afraid that she would have an accident, so I directly put up the condolences and found her home.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-219

I walked on the way to school, and I was noticed all the way. However, I graduated immediately. The senior dog of the ceremony didn't care at all.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-218

My mother is not very happy, but her girlfriend is gentle and she likes it very much, so she patiently asked her mother-in-law if she could discuss this matter again, after all, it was agreed before.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-217

When the bridegroom arrived, the relatives of the gang would pretend to be the photographer and they would disperse.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-216

The emcee started to perform the show. I thought it must be because of the high emotional intelligence that would make the bride cry.
November 2021

Which wedding shows that impressed you?-215

She was supposed to come over to take charge of the whole process of the cue wedding. However, this person did not appear from beginning to end.